Website alleges USC murder-rape. It's bullshit

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, and I’m reading about the worst KFC in America. Onto the five USC, Los Angeles, and California stories you need to know for today.


Flyers around LA claim to expose a murder-rape perpetrated by a USC student, and link to a website that supposedly contains the “hacked” phone records of everybody involved. Turns out it’s an elaborate, bullshit art project, made by a USC alum who wants to “create important stories.”


An anonymous sender is texting “alarming” messages to the personal cellphones of female law professors and students around the country — including the dean of USC’s law school. “Law school isn’t fair for us men anymore,” one text reads. “The women always outperform us now.” Another asked to “buy a dirty pair of your work socks after a long day.”


Shiekh, an apparel store in the Village, removed a “Stand for Freedom” T-shirt that superimposed a Palestinian flag over Israel and Palestine after facing online backlash. A USC spokesperson said the store removed the product before the university notified it of the controversy. It appears it’s been scrubbed from Shiekh’s website as well.


Developers are breaking ground on a combination Costco-apartment complex in South LA’s Baldwin Village neighborhood. About a quarter of the novel apartments are designated for low-income tenants, and the rest are categorized as affordable housing — slated to come with a rooftop pool, basketball courts, and communal gardens.


Chipotle deployed robots to two of its Southern California restaurants that’ll help prep guacamole and assemble burrito bowls. You probably won’t be able to see them, though: The “Autocado” appears to be back in the kitchen, and the bowl-assembler is only prepping online orders.

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