Israel-Hamas war may have chilled classroom debate at USC
Students were less comfortable sharing controversial views during last semester's protests.
USC students were notably more uncomfortable expressing controversial political views during last semester’s pro-Palestinian protests than they typically are, new polling shows.
The report from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression — one of the foremost advocates for free speech on college campuses — also ranked USC nearly dead last in the nation for speech climate.
You can read the full report and methodology here.

via Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression
Before the encampments, 53% of students felt either “very” or “somewhat” uncomfortable expressing controversial views on social media. After the encampments started, 67% felt the same.
A similar majority reported feeling uncomfortable challenging the status quo in classroom settings.
The report does not delve into specifics, like which views students feel most uncomfortable expressing — or what specifically made them more unwilling to share.
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